Mafpels Trading Ltd. and POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM Sp. Z O.O.

Mafpels company's case
We, Mafpels Trading Ltd., are proud of our successful cooperation with the leading company POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM Sp. Z O.O. In this case study we would like to show you how our consulting expertise played a key role in expanding and improving POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM's operations.

Mafpels Cyprus specialises in providing high quality consultancy services including audits, research, customer experience analysis and more. Our aim is to help companies optimise their business processes and achieve their strategic goals.

POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM Sp. Z O.O: A leading company offering a wide range of products and services in the automotive industry, textile products, clothing and footwear, and household electrical appliances.

Customised solutions

Starting with an audit and analysis of POTĘGA's corporate structure, MAFPELS identified the potential for improving internal processes and increasing efficiency. The qualitative analysis allowed us to synchronise the processes to be implemented and to establish communication between our companies. Mafpels Trading provided professional support in negotiations and deal-making, which improved POTĘGA's commercial strategy and allowed us to conclude new favourable contracts. The marketing audit enabled Maf pels team to identify new markets and target groups for POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM. Our recommendations and clear action plan helped to better tailor products to customer needs. Both companies are already seeing strong, positive changes in performance. All of this is an integral part of the strategic collaboration.
The joint efforts led to the acquisition of many new customers and the opening up of new market segments for POTĘGA. By optimising business processes, POTĘGA was able to increase efficiency and reduce costs in key areas. The collaboration also enabled the introduction of innovative solutions and improved the quality of goods and services provided. Mafpels management increased the overall productivity of POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM. The expansion of the customer portfolio resulted from the successful implementation of the proposed strategies.

The results

Mafpels management increased the overall productivity
The cooperation between Mafpels Trading Ltd and POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM has proved to be a key point in our successful development. We are proud that our services have helped POTĘGA to reach new heights and expand its influential status in the market. Thanks to this extraordinary cooperation, Mafpels was able to expand its activities and, with the help of POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM, to become an intermediary in a new niche. Both companies continue their work and help to develop faster than their competitors. Mafpels Trading Ltd. and POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM are strategic partners for your business. To learn more about Potega, visit

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