Working with clients feedback: analysis and motivation

Mafpels management
Companies invest a lot in customer engagement, marketing, SMM, CEO, investing in modern technology, artificial intelligence, etc. But it can all be for naught if you are not measuring customer satisfaction and improving your customer experience processes.
One sure way to find out how customers feel about your company is to work with reviews. They are a source of information for an entrepreneur about what is working well in the business, what customers are dissatisfied with and what needs to be improved.

Proper communication with your audience will lead to real and useful feedback that will help you improve your business and make the right decisions. Even if you work every day to improve your service levels and update your products, you need to know that customer needs are constantly changing. You need to gather and analyse customer feedback. The result is a real business development strategy based on customer data.

Mafpels company pays a lot of attention to customer experience analysis. Maf pels' experts help start-ups and experienced companies to improve service, customer satisfaction and loyalty. We evaluate the effectiveness of feedback systems and focus on key customer interactions. The recommendations derived from our analysis are aimed at improving service quality and developing effective customer relationship management strategies. Analyse customer feedback. One sure way to find out how customers feel about your company is to work with reviews. They are a source of information for an entrepreneur about what is working well in the business, what customers are dissatisfied with and what needs to be improved.

Proper communication with your audience will lead to real and useful feedback that will help you improve your business and make the right decisions. Even if you work every day to improve your service levels and update your products, you need to know that customer needs are constantly changing. You need to gather and analyse customer feedback. The result is a real business development strategy based on customer data.

Analyse customer feedback

It is important to analyse both positive and negative reviews. Naturally, business owners want people to leave as many good comments as possible. Not only does this make people feel good, but it is also an important part of promoting an online shop or offline business web resources. Reviews are a powerful tool to encourage people to use your services or buy your goods.

Negative comments should not be deleted (this applies to objective criticism, not insulting and meaningless statements). If the author notices that the review has been deleted, they will write more bad comments, telling people that your company is the worst in the world.
To get more good reviews, people need to be motivated. A person will write a bad review themselves. This is how the psyche works: negative emotions are stronger and you want to get them out faster. But good comments are rarely left. When a person has completed their task with your help, they will move on to others. They are no longer interested in you. However, there are ways to get positive feedback from your customers.

How to get more good reviews and what to do with the negative ones

Mafpels company feedbacks
So here are a few tips on how to get positive comments about your products or services.

  • Respond to reviews. There are probably comments on the internet about your products or services. You can't ignore them. Respond to every review: positive, negative, neutral. This increases the incentive for other customers to share their opinions. Imagine you see reviews about a company but no one responds to them. You will probably not write your own review because it will go nowhere. However, if there is a response to the comments, you will be more motivated to share your opinion.
  • Offer bonuses. For example, a discount on their next purchase or a symbolic gift with the request to leave a comment. This is a trivial but effective technique. It works for both e-commerce and offline sales. The most important rule: you don't buy reviews and you don't force people to leave them. You find a way to make the person happy to leave a review themselves.
  • Ask the customer to take a picture and point out where the product or service was purchased. Most people love attention, so taking a picture with a new purchase gili new hairstyle is much more pleasant than writing some text.
  • Run a competition with a good quality prize for the most creative or detailed review. Comments don't have to be all praise.
  • Conduct surveys. Invite customers to take part in a survey. Create a small questionnaire with response options and add a form at the end where the customer can write freely about what they think of you.
  • Gamification. Introduce a rating of the most active users and a rating of the reviews themselves on your online store's website. Reward the most active customers.
  • Give the customer a hint. Not everyone can write a lot and write well. Give them a list of questions that they can answer to write a detailed review. This doesn't mean they have to answer all the questions. But it's worth helping them unleash their creative imagination.
  • Pick up the telephone and call the customer. Ask them to tell you what they liked and what they disliked. Record the conversation and post it on your web resource.

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