Suppose you own a car repair shop. You have many competitors who also sell car repair services. Virtually all of them operate in much the same way. How can you make your car repair service a unique product? It needs to be complemented with additional services. They should add value and convenience to the use of the main service.
Here are some examples of additional services in a car repair shop:
- You have all the parts you need to repair your car;
- They only employ well groomed and cultured craftsmen;
- You have a lounge where customers can watch their car being repaired;
- You have a café where customers can have a coffee and a snack while they wait for their car.
If you have added other services to the main service that add value and convenience to the use of the main service, you have in fact created a unique product.
Continuing with the automotive theme, let's talk about a free way to stand out. In every product, in every service, in almost every business, there are processes, features that almost no one talks about because their presence is taken for granted.
Let's imagine a situation like this: there are several car washes on a street. Only one of them says: 'Washing plus vacuuming free of charge'. Most likely, all car washes on that street offer free vacuuming. However, if only one of them has such an advert, you might get the impression that others might charge for it. Which carwash will the customer choose?
If you want to promote your business, give it a new impetus, find new points of growth, contact the managers of Mafpels Trading. We will be happy to share our experience and professional advice with you.