Email marketing: where to start and how not to get spammed

Mafpels management blog
Email marketing is a way of promoting goods and services by sending letters with specific information via email. It is regularly declared 'dead', but when used correctly, it can bring many benefits. Experienced entrepreneurs know that email marketing helps to increase the level of customer loyalty and conversion of an online shop, to build trust in the brand and, most importantly, to get a steady profit. In the blog Mafpels company's managers will briefly talk about this marketing tool.

According to statistics, between 10% and 30% of sales are made through this channel. The financial income from mailings can be up to 20% of the total profit of an online shop. At the same time, email marketing is cheaper than SEO or contextual advertising. In addition, the high degree of personalisation and automation helps to interact with the audience without too much effort.

With the help of email marketing you can solve tasks such as
  • Communicate with customers;
  • Increase customer loyalty;
  • Returning customers (e.g. by reminding them that they have not completed an order on the website);
  • Improve the image of the company, increase the level of expertise through quality content;
  • Increase sales volume.
The first thing you need to do is collect a database of your customers' email addresses. This can be done through forms that visitors to your online shop fill out when registering or placing an order. When you send out your first newsletter, one of the first sentences should remind the recipient how you got their email address. You can write it like this: "You left a contact when you placed an order in our shop.

For the first email, you can choose to send information about your upcoming promotions or special offers. In the future, you should alternate emails with offers with emails with useful information. This could be informative articles or interesting life hacks. You should not send letters to your customers frequently. This is an important rule to keep in mind both when you first start mailing and later on.

Where to start

Maf pels company informative article
Every marketer is probably terrified of the word 'spam'. If your newsletter is being spammed, it means there's something wrong with your content. Perhaps you're being too pushy or your content simply doesn't appeal to your recipients.

So what can you do to avoid being labelled as spam? The Mafpels Cyprus experts have some tips:
  • Get the customer's consent to receive the newsletter;
  • Send something that might be of interest to them;
  • Use a reliable IP address. The reputation of a domain is an important evaluation criterion for Internet providers. It is the basis for determining the level of trust in the sender.
  • Give users the option to unsubscribe if they lose interest in your brand. Do not chase a person when they unsubscribe (i.e. do not send them new emails after they unsubscribe).
  • Avoid spammy emails. Avoid using caps lock and exclamation marks, as well as words like "free", "sale", "cheap" and so on. Remember, spam filters are merciless to this type of content.
  • Remove inactive addresses from your database. If customers have not opened mailings for a long time, you can try to reactivate them. This is usually done by sending an email offering a discount on their next purchase. This can motivate the customer to come back. If the recipient does not open this letter, it is better to remove the contact from the database.
  • Control the frequency of your mailings. Send emails at least once a month so prospects don't forget about your brand. But do not overdo it. The provider will be suspicious if you "bombard" subscribers with a large number of letters.
How not to get spammed
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