The benefits of delegation

Mafpels trading blog
The driving force behind any project is the team. The success of the whole project depends on how the manager distributes tasks within the team and how delegation is structured in the organisation. It can be difficult for managers to delegate authority to people because they lose control and the result may not be what they expect - it is easier to do everything yourself. But this is not the case.

So what is delegation? It is the transfer of some or all of a manager's responsibilities to a specialist. It is possible to delegate tasks or powers. The managers of Mafpels Trading told us about the difference between delegating tasks and delegating authority, and how to do it right.
The approach of delegating work under the 100% responsibility of the employee is called delegating responsibility or delegating authority. In this approach, the manager acts as a helper and advisor, but not in a supervisory role. He or she does not regulate the order and method of carrying out the task, but only helps with advice and guidance when necessary. The employee chooses his or her own ways and options for solving the task and mobilises the necessary resources. This is the way we manage at Mafpels.
There is also the classic delegation of tasks. How do you delegate tasks? In this approach, the manager distributes tasks, sets clear terms of reference, creates an algorithm for solving them, sets deadlines and controls their fulfilment. In this case, you will also get the required result in the required time. But all the responsibility in this approach lies with the manager. The employee does only what he is told to do, he does not have to plan and choose the way of solving the task himself.

What to delegate?

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The basic rules of delegation: start with delegating tasks and gradually move to delegating authority. Gradually moving from control to delegation gives the employee time and a comfortable period to adjust. The employee learns and adapts to the new format, and the manager gets used to 'letting go' of the employee and gradually giving him or her more and more authority.

The benefits of delegation:
  • Supervisors take care of management issues and business development, while managers take care of the work routine.
  • The team will be able to replace the manager during holidays or illness.
  • When tasks are distributed among employees, the speed of their completion increases.
  • The more complex tasks are delegated to specialists, the faster they grow professionally.

Delegation is a difficult skill for many managers to master. Letting go of control, delegating and trusting employees can be difficult. But the results are worth it. Employees feel ownership and the value of their contribution to the overall project. Their commitment and loyalty to the company grows. That is why every manager should learn the principles of delegation. MAFPELS offers delegation training for managers.

How to delegate?

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